On May 24, 2019, Nienke Woldman successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Competence development of Temporary Agency Workers. Understanding the complexities of a triangular employment relationship”. Why can better conditions for competence development contribute to increasing the performance of the organization and the career development of the indivual? Is more regulation desirable? If neglected, lack of competence development of flex workers, including independent entrepeneurs without employees, will at the end of the day result in high societal costs because of growing skills gaps and mis-matches.
Thanks, deputy Rector Magnificus, prof. EJ.M. Feskens for chairing the defence, dr. Renate Wesselink and dr. Piety Runhaar for the great daily supervision, prof. Maria Koelen, prof. Nicole Böhmer, prof. Marinka Kuijpers, and prof. Ton Wilthagen for assessing the dissertation and serving as an opponent during the defence. That is all much appreciated. Nienke: many congrats and enjoy your new status as Doctor!