A study of Anahuac Valero Haro and colleagues Omid Noroozi and Harm Biemans on fostering argumentation competence in online higher education is accepted for publication by the Journal of Constructivist Psychology. The focus of the study is on argumentation knowledge, behavior and attitudes, and the relationships of these with domain-specific knowledge acquisition. The background of the study is the debate about the alleged tensions between integral competence development on the one hand and (domain-specific) knowledge development on the other hand. Once the article will be online, more information about the results of the study will be published here. For now, the reference to the article will be: Valero Haro, A., Noroozi, O., Biemans, H.J.A., & Mulder, M. (2020). Students’ Argumentation Knowledge, Behavior and Attitude and their Relationships with Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. (accepted).