Storytelling in E-Learning

On May 30th, Tess Groot successfully defended her thesis for the program Master of Education (Med). For this thesis she conducted research on e-learnings which were developed by RMMBR. RMMBR is an international company which develops digital solutions for learning. Among its clients are well-known international companies.

In the learning solutions storytelling is being used to enhance the learning experience and the lasting effect of the attained learning results. Various learning theories were used to identify characteristics of e-learning in which storytelling was used as an instructional tool.

These characteristics were used to assess e-learning programs on the extent to which they included storytelling as instructional method.

Based on this steps and considerations were formulated which can be used to develop and implement storytelling in e-learnings.

Subsequently, steps were identified which need to be taken, to further enable learning specialists in including storytelling to achieve better learning results. For this, a development plan was proposed. Elements of this development plan are: formulating a vision on storytelling as learning method, training of the teams of learning specialists who are developing e-learnings, offering storytelling in learning programs as a service for clients, developing a systems approach for the design, implementation and evaluation of storytelling in digital learning solutions for client organizations.

Congratulations Tess Groot with this interesting thesis, and thanks Dr. Martijn van Schaik for acting as assessor of the thesis and as discussant during the defence.