Developing Educational Leadership with a Change Lab

On May 27th, Iris Bliek successfully defended her thesis for the Master of Education (MEd). The theme of her thesis was the development of educational leadership in Mbo College Havens van STC (Scheepvaart en Transport College; Shipping and Transport College Group).

STC is an international organization, so that is why this announcement is in English. Developing leadership was seen as essential for the improvement of the quality of the educational programs, which emerged as a priority objective for the College since the student numbers and educational achievement dropped. After a careful context analysis educational leadership appeared to be having further growth potential. Different solutions were proposed and the decision was made to experiment with a Change Lab to enhance the educational leadership within the organization. To arrive at a tailor-made method for this, a pilot ws developed, implemented, and tested. The results measurement was based on Leithwood’s Leadership framework and the self-determination theory of Deci & Ryan. Pre- and post-measurement was performed, as well as observations and systematic introspections. The results indicated a positive growth of the educational leadership throughout the program team, and an increase in commitment of the team members. Experiences with the Change Lab as a method for cooperation and improvement of learning results were evaluated as positive.

Congratulations Iris, and thanks Dr. Martijn van Schaik for the assessment of this thesis.