It has been a busy and hectic year with the construction of and move to our new home in Almelo NoordOost. It has been so busy that I could not keep up with the announcement of the new Masters of Education of the Salta Group who graduated. So at the end of this year:
Albert van der Tuin
Linda van Asselt
Kooske Franken
Linda Hurkmans
Evelien Kroot
Henk Wijnholt
Ramon Soer
Kelly van Rijn
Daniël Combé
Pieter Mol
Frank Boersma
Erik Jan Vinke
Tamara Hulsbergen
Many congratulations with the successful completion of your Masters of Education! You are all respected alumni of the program. Thanks team of the Master program at NCOI and NTI, and supervisors and assessors Joachim Wetterling, Martijn van Schaik, and Lisa Sipma.
I wish you all a successful 2023!