Martin Mulder is Emeritus Professor of Education and Director-Owner of MM Consultancy for Education and Training. He published widely with his colleagues and students about issue related to competence development, vocational and professional education, higher education, teacher education, and learning technology.

Martin Mulder is Emeritus Professor of Education and Director-Owner of MM Consultancy for Education and Training. He published widely with his colleagues and students about issue related to competence development, vocational and professional education, higher education, teacher education, and learning technology.

Developing Mental Power of Young Professionals in Mental Health Care

On June 20, Jetty Zijlstra-van der Weide successfully defended her Professional Master Thesis Educational Studies (MEd). That is quite a while ago, but the decision to announce this defense was made at the end of July, and I thought that the theme of the thesis was way too important to publish this summary during the holiday month of August.

The theme of the thesis is mental power (resilience) of young professionals in mental health care. This theme is important because mental power, resilience and vitality are issues many professionals face during their lifetime, also within the mental healthcare system itself. The key message of this thesis project is that mental resilience or health can be developed. Statistics underline the severity of the problem: professionals with an age up to 35 years are those who most frequently suffer mental illness, 25% of them have burn-out symptoms, are overrepresented in statistics on absenteeism due to illness (especially in the education and care sector), so the young working generation is perceived as a vulnerable group.

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Formatief handelen, het verhogen van de onderwijsopbrengsten en schoolontwikkeling, en Focus Po

Op 16 juli heeft Floor Stam op succesvolle wijze haar afstudeerwerk voor de Master Onderwijskunde verdedigd. Het thema van de afstudeeropdracht was breed aangezet: het verhogen van onderwijsopbrengsten, bijdragen aan schoolontwikkeling, het bevorderen van het formatief handelen, het werken met het programma Focus Po, en dit alles in het kader van een Praktijk Leer Gemeenschap.

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Professionele ontwikkeling van docenten hippische opleidingen mbo

Laura Bus heeft op 27 juni j.l. op succesvolle wijze haar afstudeerwerk voor de Master Onderwijskunde verdedigd. Het thema van de afstudeeropdracht was de professionele ontwikkeling van docenten die deel uitmaken van het onderwijsteam van de hippische opleidingen van Aeres mbo in Barneveld. In een nieuw onderwijsprogramma, ‘Paardenkracht’, is verandering aangebracht in de rol van de docent. Er is meer nadruk gelegd op het verzorgen van begeleiding en coaching. De vraag in deze afstudeeropdracht was in welke mate de nieuwe docentrol al in praktijk werd gebracht en welke ontwikkeling er verder eventueel nodig was.

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