How can transformational leaders positively influence team learning?

For years many scholars have conceptualized management, innovation and transformation as being team learning processes. Research of Machiel Bouwmans et al reported in this article, which is based on data from 992 teachers in 92 teacher teams, confirms that transformational leadership is associated with team learning. It indicates how transformational leaders can positively influence team learning. Continue reading How can transformational leaders positively influence team learning?

Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model just published

The publication on a Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model is just published. It contains the work done for my farewell speech in October 2016. The full reference is: Mulder, M. (2017). A Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 23(2), pp. 99-102, DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2017.1296533. Continue reading Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model just published

Can second-order computer-supported argument scaffolding foster the development of argumentation competence?

Find answers in: Noroozi, O., Kirschner, P.A., Biemans, H.J.A., Mulder, M. (2017). Promoting Argumentation Competence: Extending from First- to Second-Order Scaffolding Through Adaptive Fading. Educational Psychology Review. doi:10.1007/s10648-017-9400-z. Continue reading Can second-order computer-supported argument scaffolding foster the development of argumentation competence?

Video published on European Vocational Skills Week

The EC – Audiovisual Service just published a video with impressions of the first European Vocational Skills Week, which took place on December 5-9, 2016. There were events in Brussels and hundreds of registered activities in Member States, EFTA and EU candidate countries at national, regional and local levels. Europe heavily invests in its Skills development strategy. As you will see I found it remarkable and encouraging that Vocational Education and Training researchers were invited and part or the programme. I hope researchers will be given the opportunity to extend their work into EU vocational educational policy making circles, and that they will provide policy makers research intelligence which is useful and effective. Check the video at: