Dear website visitor, I noticed that my Farewell Speech Booklet ‘Competence for Life. A Review of Developments and Perspective for the Future’ (2016) was not yet available online, which is a bit strange, as I saw it done in October last year on the edit page. Nevertheless, it was invisible online when I was watching the site today. Therefore I uploaded it again. Download here: Farewell Address Booklet
Author: mmulder
Martin Mulder is Emeritus Professor of Education and Director-Owner of MM Consultancy for Education and Training. He published widely with his colleagues and students about issue related to competence development, vocational and professional education, higher education, teacher education, and learning technology.
Award Ceremony India
Finally I have been able to download pictures of the Award Ceremony during the 2016 Agricultural Education and Extension conference in Varanasi, India, on January 27. Better late than never. Thanks Dr Kalyan Ghadai (1st on the left) for organizing this event. It was a great experience. Continue reading Award Ceremony India
1990 publication on Analyzing Decision Making in Curriculum Development posted
Publication added on analyzing decision making processes in curriculum development. Full reference: Mulder, M. & Brake, J. te (1990). Reliablity Testing of two Analysis Instruments for Decision Making in Curriculum Conferences. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 16, 529-550.
Kwaliteit van bedrijfsopleidingen
Deze publicatie uit 1999 is verschenen als: Mulder, M. (1999). Kwaliteit van bedrijfsopleidingen. Pieters, J.M., Plomp, Tj. & Odenthal, L.E. (Red.), 20 jaar Toegepaste Onderwijskunde. Enschede: Twente University Press, pp. 221-233. Continue reading Kwaliteit van bedrijfsopleidingen
Yvette Baggen successfully defended her dissertation on Opportunity Identification Competence
On December 13, Yvette Baggen successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Opportunity Identification Competence’. Continue reading Yvette Baggen successfully defended her dissertation on Opportunity Identification Competence
Publicatie 1999 – ‘Competentiegericht opleiden’ geüpload
De publicatie over competentiegericht opleiden uit Opleiding & Ontwikkeling van 1999 is toegevoegd aan de downloadable publicaties. Volledige referentie:
Mulder, M. (1999). Competentiegericht opleiden. Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, 12, 1/2, 13-20. ISSN 0922-0895. Continue reading Publicatie 1999 – ‘Competentiegericht opleiden’ geüpload
Opleiding & Ontwikkeling – de eerste 10 jaren
De publicatie:
Mulder, M. (1998). Professionalisering, vakontwikkeling en tien jaren Opleiding & Ontwikkeling. Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, 11, 1/2, 11-19. ISSN 0922-0895.
is toegevoegd aan de pagina met te downloaden paper.
What to do with people who have competencies which society does not reward?
What to do with people who have competencies which society does not reward? And how can people, who do not have the right skills, get the acknowledgement they long for? Continue reading What to do with people who have competencies which society does not reward?
Happy New Year!!!
Dear website visitor,
Happy New Year!!! I wish you a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2017. With 37,500 unique visitors and over 1,1 Million hits, I have the impression that this website fulfils a need. Visitors come from all over the world; the top 5 countries during December 2016 are France, Japan, the United States, China and the Russian Federation. Thanks for using my work. Continue reading Happy New Year!!!
Eghe Osagie sussessfully defended her PhD thesis
On December 14 Eghe Osagie succesfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Learning and Corporate Social Responsibility. A study on the role of the learning organization, individual competencies, goal orientation and the learning climate in the CSR adaptation process’. Congrats! Download here: Osagie.2016 PhD THESIS Continue reading Eghe Osagie sussessfully defended her PhD thesis