Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year
to all of the
34.000 unique visitors
of this website in 2013, who collectively visited over
400.000 pages
and who accounted for over
500.000 hits
to the website.
Many thanks for your interest!
Looking forward to seeing you again this year,
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Impressions of the 3rd WBREN conference in Novi Sad

In the week of November 25 the 3rd and last conference was held of the Tempus project ‘Western Balkans Rural Extension Network’. The conference was held in Novi Sad in Serbia. The project achieved various results, amongst which modules for a Master Specialization on Rural Development, and a network of informal training organizations, which want to proceed with a new application for further cooperation. Thanks to the partners, for a wonderful series of activities and events. Enjoy some pictures of the delegates who were present at the conference.

Continue reading Impressions of the 3rd WBREN conference in Novi Sad

Wageningen University best university of the Netherlands – for the 9th time

Wageningen University is again chosen by the Choice Guide Higher Education 2014 as the best university of the Netherlands, for the 9th year in a row. Many study programmes rank number in 1 in their field in the Netherlands. The program Plant Sciences received 98 out of 100 points. The Choice Guide praises the interesting study programs, intensive supervision and coaching and fine facilities. Congratulations.


Self-directed lifelong learning in hybrid learning configurations

The article ‘Self-directed lifelong learning in hybrid learning configurations’, by P. H.M. Cremers, A.E.J. Wals, R. Wesselink, N. Nieveen and M. Mulder (2013), in the International Journal of Lifelong Education appeared and is available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02601370.2013.838704 In the article, an attempt was made to generate design guidelines for a learning environment in which higher education and workplace learning were combined.

Key note speakers Erik de Corte and Martin Mulder at conference on HAE in Lima

It was an honour to be key note speaker at the conference on the innovation of higher agricultural education at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina in Lima, Peru, together with highly esteemed Prof em Erik de Corte. He was speaking today about his theory about the improvement of adaptation competence of students in higher education. In his opinion, amongst other things, self-regulated learning is extremely important in the development of adaptation competence. I have been speaking yesterday about competence needs for higher agricultural education.

Continue reading Key note speakers Erik de Corte and Martin Mulder at conference on HAE in Lima

Intercultural learning in higher education

On October 8, 2013, at 16:00 hours, Vitaliy Popov will defend his dissertation in the auditorium (Aula) of Wageningen University, Generaal Foulkesweg 1, 6703 BG Wageningen. Co-promotors of this dissertation are Dr. Harm J.A. Biemans from ECS and Prof. Andrei N. Kuznetsov from Russia. Opponents are: Prof. T. van Boekel, Prof. A. Weinberger, Prof. M. Valcke, and Prof. J.P.L.M. van Oudenhoven, who (since he had to apologize for absence) for the defence will be replaced by Dr. J.G.M. Jacobs.The topic of the dissertation is intercultural learning within higher education. Continue reading Intercultural learning in higher education