Omid Noroozi wins Most Promising Publication Award of WASS

Dr Omid Noroozi has won the ‘Most Promising Publication Award 2012’ of the Wageningen Graduate School of Social Sciences (WASS) for the article Noroozi, O., Weinberger, A., Biemans, H.J.A., Mulder, M., & Chizari, M. (2012). Argumentation-based computer supported collaborative learning (ABCSCL). A systematic review and synthesis of fifteen years of research. Educational Research Review, 7(2), 79-106. This publication can be found at:
Congratulations to Omid and other co-authors!
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Article ‘Inquiry-based Science Teaching Competence of Primary School Teachers: A Delphi Study’ now online in Teaching and Teacher Education

The article of Ester Alake-Tuenter, Harm J.A. Biemans, Hilde Tobi and Martin Mulder, titled ‘Inquiry-based Science Teaching Competence of Primary School Teachers: A Delphi Study’, is now published online by the journal Teaching and Teacher Education. Full bibliographic details: Teaching and Teacher Education  (2013), pp. 13-24 DOI information: 10.1016/j.tate.2013.04.013.


Wageningen again best University in the Netherlands according to students

Wageningen University is – according to student opinions expressed in the National Student Survey – again the best University in the Netherlands. The survey was completed by 264,710 students. The results of the National Student Survey are also taken into account in the Choice Guide Higher Education. That Guide also includes opinions of experts. Wageningen University is already eight years in a row ranked as best University of the Netherlands in that Guide. Congratulations to all colleagues at the University!

Cooperatives not very active in supporting competence development of members

Agricultural cooperatives in the Netherlands are not very active in supporting the competence development of members. That is one of the conclusions of the paper Dorine Orbons and I wrote on the basis of a small-scale and explorative study of representatives of cooperatives. Members may also not expect that or even would want the cooperative to stay away of that. On the other hand, cooperatives are very active in supporting the competence development of their elected board members. The support of competence development of employees of cooperatives seems not to be different from that within non-cooperative companies. Read more about this research in the AERA-paper which can be downloaded from this site (see Downloads button).

Downloadable publications added

Dear website visitor. I have been a bit slow with uploading papers of the years 2011, 2012 and 2013. I have added a series of papers, many of which have made it to book or journal publications. If you are going to download and use the papers, please keep in mind that the versions in the books and journals count as the final publication. So for exact quotations, consult the final publication. Thanks.

AERA SIG WPL 2013 Program Impressions

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Workplace Learning (WPL) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) had a good programme during the Annual Meeting in San Francisco which took place from April 27 to May 1. The Business Meeting went well, and an interesting session followed about the future of Workplace Learning research. The elections for the new assistant programme chair came in kind of late, but during the AERA conference we were able to announce that Petri Nokelainen was elected. The 2013-14 SIG Chair is Marg Malloch, who was the 2012-13 Programme Chair. The 2013-2014 Program Chair is Michelle Bartlett. I will serve as the Immediate-Past SIG Chair. We are looking forward to the further development of the SIG, and the next Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, which will take place from April 3 – April 7, 2014. I thank all who were involved in the 2013 programme for their commitment to the SIG WPL.
Apart from the SIG WPL, Arjen Wals, Piety Runhaar, Omid Noroozi and myself from ECS were at the conference and had a good time. The Holland Happening, which was co-sponsored by ECS, was well attended. Saeid Karimi could not make it to the conference; that is why Omid and I presented his poster. We did meet some interesting colleagues during this poster session.

Continue reading AERA SIG WPL 2013 Program Impressions

Course on Competence-based Rural Development in Tirana went well

On March 21 and 22, the professional master course on competence-based rural development was taking place in Tirana, and went well. Three groups of active students have tentatively developed competence profiles for stakeholders in rural communities, processing organisations, and financial institutions. The approach of multistakeholder analysis attemts were admirable and creative. A big compliment for these future leaders in rural development.

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