Martin Mulder is Emeritus Professor of Education and Director-Owner of MM Consultancy for Education and Training. He published widely with his colleagues and students about issue related to competence development, vocational and professional education, higher education, teacher education, and learning technology.

Martin Mulder is Emeritus Professor of Education and Director-Owner of MM Consultancy for Education and Training. He published widely with his colleagues and students about issue related to competence development, vocational and professional education, higher education, teacher education, and learning technology.

Meeting with Taylor and Francis staff on JAEE

Met with Zoe Sternberg and Stephany Astill from Taylor and Francis in Oxford to discuss the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (JAEE). We have discussed the name change of the journal, but did not reach consensus. The point is that both agricultural education and extension are experiencing a revival worldwide. I wrote about this in my editorial pieces in the JAEE. Our alternative, Education and Communication for Innovation is perceived as being too general. A title change is also bad for citation analysis, so we decided to keep the title the same for a while. We will further work on quality improvement and citations to the journal in 2012. Continue reading Meeting with Taylor and Francis staff on JAEE

January 10, 2012, Research Presentation ‘Enduring Learning’

A Research Meeting will be organised by ECS on January 10, from 10:00-11:00hrs in the Leeuwenborch (Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen) in room C83. Invited speaker at this Meeting is Dr. Nicolet C.M. Theunissen. Nicolet is psychologist and Senior Research Scientist of the expertise group `Training & Performance Innovations’ at TNO. The question “How to help people to become the director of their own life”  is a recurring subject in her research work. For more information: The theme of her talk is Enduring Learning. Under the flag of `Enduring Learning’, TNO contributes to enduring and evidence-based improvements in learning. This ‘learning’ includes both formal and informal learning and as such takes place within the field of education and training as well as within companies and organizations. It is ‘enduring’, because people become self-directed, flexible and innovative learners who can and will keep on learning throughout their entire lifespan. Moreover, it is ‘enduring’ because the technology for on- and off-line learning is designed in such a way that reuse is promoted and new technological possibilities can be incorporated without starting from scratch. And it becomes ‘enduring’ by the transformation of organizations into learning organizations. These are organizations that facilitate the learning of all its members and continuously transform themselves. The approach of Nicolet is ‘evidence based’ because she believes that a scientific foundation helps to decide which improvements make a valuable contribution for a learner, an education organization, a company or institution or society as a whole. During the meeting a picture will be given of the TNO research line ‘Enduring Learning’. This meeting is open to all who are interested in this theme.

Welcome to my new Home Page

Dear visitor. A warm welcome! I am very glad that you are visiting my new Home Page. In September my University moved to Windows 7, and therefore I could not update my old website anymore. My printers even stopped working with me – gggrrrr – I had to buy new ones 🙁 So I needed to change the platform of the website. But that is done, and from now on I will post new items regularly 🙂 I am happy that the social media on which I am active are linked to this Home Page as well. Very (nearly) 2012!

VOR BBV Board Visited ECS

The board of the Division Vocational Corporate and Adult Education of the Netherlands Educational Research Association met at ECS on December 20. Firm decision were taken: 1. there will be new elections; 2. Loek Nieuwenhuis and Renate Wesselink will stay in the board and make an outline for renewal of the division; 3. Renate will run for chair of the Division; 4. the name of the division will be updated keeping in mind that the division is a research division for vocational and corporate education experts who are in or interested in research; 5. new candidate board members will be approached; they will be asked to organise activities which are interesting for the membership. Continue reading VOR BBV Board Visited ECS