All latest news on Martin Mulder

Saima Bantvawala new Master of Education

Saima Bantvawala successfully defended her thesis Master of Education. Her study was about the relationships between Self-Regulated Learning, Technology Self-Efficacy and Study Success in an Online Learning Environment. Based on validated questionnaires from other research, she collected data within 4 study programs in higher education. A total of 95 students participated in the study. Hypotheses were formulated, data was processed with Anova-analyses and Linear and logistic regression analysis, but the results did not confirm all hypotheses. The recommendations in this study are 1. developing study motivation and offerering enough structure in an online learning environment, 2. gradually increasing the complexity of the study tasks, 3. stating realistic intended learning outcomes, 4. using pedagogical agents for learning (PALs), and 5. giving compliments regarding progress regularly and sending motivational messages. Congratulations Saima Bantvawala, and welcome to the Alumni Network Master of Education. Thanks Dr. Joachim Wetterling for supervising Saima.  Continue reading Saima Bantvawala new Master of Education

Margriet van den Heuvel new Master of Education

Margriet van den Heuvel heeft vandaag met succes haar scriptie voor de Master Onderwijskunde verdedigd. Het thema van de scriptie was het formatief handelen binnen een school voor voortgezet onderwijs. Het onderzoek was gericht op voorwaarden voor formatief handelen. Aanbevelingen die op grond van de studie zijn gedaan betreffen 1. bevorderen van de continue professionele ontwikkeling van docenten op het gebied van het formatief handelen, 2. tijd beschikbaar stellen voor deze activiteit en 3. het borgen van de betrokkenheid bij het proces van invoering van formatief handelen. Proficiat Margriet van den Heuvel en welkom bij het Alumninetwerk Onderwijskunde. Dank Dr. Joachim Wetterling voor de begeleiding. Dank Peter Versantvoort dank voor de aanwezigheid. Continue reading Margriet van den Heuvel new Master of Education

Tineke Rombout new Master of Education

Yesterday, Tineke Rombout succesfully defended her Master of Education thesis. The theme of the thesis was Effective feedback. It is known that various forms of feedback can have significant effects on learning processes. But can teachers in elementary education provide effective feedback, especially if they are in the beginning of their career? Providing high-quality feedback is a complex teaching skill. This thesis shows these complexities, and calls for continuous professional development for teachers to develop this skill. Congratulations Tineke, and thank you Dr Joachim Wetterling for your role as supervisor of this thesis. Continue reading Tineke Rombout new Master of Education

Corona Coping Competence – online meeting on March 22, 2021, 19:00 – 20:00 CET

A month or so ago, I posted a message on this website that the LinkedIn Group Competence Studies had grown over 100 members, and that I therefore was going to hold a meeting via Teams.

The theme of the meeting will be ‘Corona Coping Competence.’ With the outbreak of highly contagious COVID-mutants, this theme seems to be even more relevant than I thought it would be; Corona virus generations with their many mutants may disrupt our societies even further and longer than we had hoped for.

Continue reading Corona Coping Competence – online meeting on March 22, 2021, 19:00 – 20:00 CET

DOI of paper of Chalachew Aniteneh Tarekegne

The permanent link to the manuscript ‘Developing and Validating a Competence Framework for Improving the Productivity of Smallholder Farmers: A Case Study from Ethiopia’ of Chalachew Aniteneh et al will be once it is published.


Research of Chalachew Aniteneh accepted for publication by the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension

The manuscript ‘Developing and Validating a Competence Framework for Improving the Productivity of Smallholder Farmers: A Case Study from Ethiopia’ of Chalachew Aniteneh is accepted for publication by the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (JAEE). The paper is part of the PhD project of Chalachew on agricultural education and extension in Bahir Dar in the region Amhara in Northern Ethiopia. Once the paper is published, the full details will be shared. For now: congratulations Ato Chalachew, and co-authors Dr Renate Wesselink and Dr Harm Biemans!

Paul Koot new Master of Education

Paul Koot, working at Avans University of Applied Sciences, successfully defended his Master thesis in Education entitled Education with Impact. The theme of his research was professional development of teachers in the field of ICT. He distributed questionnaires, interviewed teachers, and did observations in classrooms. He expects that more time for and cooperation between teachers will lead to better results. Advisor of the thesis was Dr. Joachim Wetterling. Thanks Joachim. Congratulations Paul, and lots of success with your work!

Corona Coping Competence – flash meeting – March 22, 2021, 19:00 – 20:00hrs CET

As indicated earlier, since the LinkedIn Competence Studies group grew over 100 members, we are going to have an online meeting. The theme of the meeting is Corona Coping Competence. With the outbreak of the highly contagious COVID-mutant ‘SARS-COV-2 VUI 202012/01’, this theme seems to be highly relevant; Corona viruses will probably disrupt our global societies even further and longer.

Continue reading Corona Coping Competence – flash meeting – March 22, 2021, 19:00 – 20:00hrs CET

Linda van Elderen new Master of Education (MEd)

Linda van Elderen successfully defended her thesis on transfer of a community of researchers and practitioners on signalling and coaching of gifted students in secondary education. The study was linked to an NRO-project funded by the government of the Netherlands. The study resulted in recommendations on transfer climate, transfer design and individual transfer factors.