Research of Chalachew Taregne et al on rural advisory services has just been published in the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. The first 50 colleagues who want to download the paper can download it from here for free: Enjoy!
Op 28 augustus heeft Adriƫnne de Kock haar Master of Education afgerond met de succesvolle verdediging van haar scriptie over professionele ontwikkeling van docenten. Beoordelaar was Dr. Joachim Wetterling. Gefeliciteerd en veel succes verder!
Op 28 augustus heeft Erik Groenendijk de Laat zijn Master of Education afgerond met de succesvolle verdediging van zijn onderzoek ten behoeve van een eventuele deeltijd bacheloropleiding Automotive. Beoordelaar was Dr. Joachim Wetterling. Gefeliciteerd en veel succes verder!
Op 28 augustus heeft Dagmar van der Veen-Vries haar Master of Education afgerond met de succesvolle verdediging van haar scriptie over het bevorderen van het onderzoeksmatig werken in het medisch en verpleegkundig onderwijs. Begeleider was Dr. Joachim Wetterling. Gefeliciteerd en veel succes verder!
Maartje ter Horst van Delden heeft op maandag 17 juli 2017 met succes haar eindscriptie over leerteams in het hbo verdedigd en daarmee haar NCOI studie Master of Education (MEd) afgerond. Van harte gefeliciteerd, mede namens beoordelaar: Dr. Joachim Wetterling.
The video-class which was recorded on May 5th, 2017, at the University of Rome Tre on ‘Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education’ is now available on YouTube. Check: Thanks Giuditta Alessandrini and Riccardo Orfei!
The manuscript of Eghe Osagie et al on competence development of corporate social responsibility leaders is accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Ethics. The paper focuses on the importance of peer learning, learning loal orientation, and learning climate.
The article The impact of the feedback source on developing oral presentation competence, has been assigned to issue 9 of Studies in Higher Education. The full reference is: Ginkel, S. van, Gulikers, J., Biemans, H.J.A. & Mulder, M. (2017). The impact of the feedback source on developing oral presentation competence. Studies in Higher Education, 42(9), pp. 1671-1685. Congratulations Stan van Ginkel.
During the ORD 2017 in Antwerp I met my successor, Prof. Perry den Brok, who is currently working at the Technical University Eindhoven. I am very pleased that Perry was interested in this position and that the Board of Wageningen University has appointed him. A significant detail: I had nothing to do with this appointment, so the news came to me as a pleasant surprise. Thanks Dr. Piety Runhaar for capturing this historic moment.
At the Educational Research Days (ORD) of the Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR, or NERA in English) and the Flemish Forum for Educational Research (VFO) in Antwerp: what a great place to say goodbye to the colleagues of the Board of the VOR and remember that the first ORD I visited as Master student was in Maastricht in 1980. Now, after having chaired two VOR Division boards, having served as VOR secretary, and having organized various VOR and Division conferences, it is time to be grateful to all colleagues with whom I had the privilige to work with. It was always a pleasure.