All latest news on Martin Mulder

Beyond unreasonable doubt – learning for socio-ecological sustainability in the anthropocene

On December 17, 2015, Arjen Wals gave his second inaugural address on the occasion of his appointment as Personal Professor on Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability, entitled ‘Beyond unreasonable doubt – learning for socio-ecological sustainability in the anthropocene’, at Wageningen University. Continue reading Beyond unreasonable doubt – learning for socio-ecological sustainability in the anthropocene

Core entrepreneurial competencies: ‘Analysing’, ‘pursuing’, and ‘networking’

There has been much research on planned behaviour (Ajzen) and personal traits (like the Big Five) in an attempt to predict performance and success. More recent research intends to take competence as a starting point for predicting performance and success (such as the research which resulted in the Great Eight by Bartram). Continue reading Core entrepreneurial competencies: ‘Analysing’, ‘pursuing’, and ‘networking’