All latest news on Martin Mulder

Teacher interpersonal behaviour and student motivation

The article titled “Teacher interpersonal behaviour and student motivation in competence-based vocational education: Evidence from Indonesia”, by Zainun Misbah et al, published in Teaching and Teacher Education, is now available online: DOI information: 10.1016/j.tate.2015.04.007. Check:

Symposium on MOOCs research now on Storify and Slideshare

Pierre Gorissen reported on the Symposium on MOOCs research organized by the VOR Divisions ICT and Higher Education in Wageningen on May 26. He posted:”During the day, the #VORMOOC hashtag was used for tweets and it managed to get in the trending topics list for the day.
An overview of the tweets was collected in this Storify report: The slides for all the presentations during the symposium are now available online:″. Thanks Pierre for facilitating this.

Competitive and Sustainable Vocational Education and Training

The Europea conference announced as ‘Sustainable Vocational Education for the Labor Market’, but which was on the spot implemented as ‘Competitive and Sustainable Vocational Education and Training: Achievements and New Goals’, which is actually a different topic, took place in Riga, Latvia, on May 11 and 12. The conference took place within the framework of the Latvian EU Presidency, and featured speakers such as the Minister for Education and Science of Latvia, the Secretary of State for Agriculture of Latvia, the EUROPEA International president, the Director General of the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, the Chairman of the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia and the Chairman of the Vocational Education Association of Latvia. The theme of the conference elaborated was about generic VET issues such as attractiveness of VET. Strategic Policy Recommendations for VET were tabled and will be signed by the stakeholders involved. These recommendations are all about good quality VET in the EU in general, and not specific for agricultural or life sciences VET. A surprise was that the Minister of Education appeared to be a former student of mine. Congratulations with a brilliant career.


Symposium Research on MOOCs, May 26, Wageningen University

On May 26 2015, 9:30 – 18:30hrs, the VOR Divisions ICT and Higher Education jointly organize a symposium on research on MOOCs. The symposium will take place in Wageningen University, the Netherlands.
During a number of presentations you will get an overview of current research into MOOCs and during the afternoon you will have the opportunity to listen to short case presentations by participants regarding research into MOOCs. But you can also provide your own cases to present at the symposium. There is an option on the registration form to indicate your interest in presenting a case.
Continue reading Symposium Research on MOOCs, May 26, Wageningen University

George Wilson Kasule successfully defended dissertation

George Wilson Kasule of Kyambogo University Kampala in Uganda successfully defended his dissertation in Wageningen University today. The topic of his thesis is Innovation Competence of University Teachers in Uganda. Co-Promotor was Dr. Renate Wesselink. Opponents (from left to right): Prof. emeritus Albert Pilot (University of Utrecht); Prof. Tiny van Boekel (Wageningen University); Prof. Michael Gessler (ITB Bremen). Continue reading George Wilson Kasule successfully defended dissertation

Upcoming conference ‘Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education’

Next in my conference Calender is the international conference on ‘Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education’, taking place in Wageningen, the Netherlands, on April 28-May 1. We are looking forward to welcoming over 350 participants, members of the AIAEE and ESEE, from all continents of the world. Continue reading Upcoming conference ‘Competence and Excellence in Extension and Education’

2015’s AERA

2015’s AERA in Chicago is almost over for me, but it was very rewarding. See the prentations page for downloadable papers and PPTs. On Saturday April 18 I had the pleasure to chair a high-level coherent and empirical research session on Competence Development in Workplace Learning.  Continue reading 2015’s AERA