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Course on Competence-based Rural Development in Tirana went well

On March 21 and 22, the professional master course on competence-based rural development was taking place in Tirana, and went well. Three groups of active students have tentatively developed competence profiles for stakeholders in rural communities, processing organisations, and financial institutions. The approach of multistakeholder analysis attemts were admirable and creative. A big compliment for these future leaders in rural development.

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Research assessment systems differ between countries

Researchers in universities have to comply with national systems of research assessment and related systems for promotion and tenure. But the strange thing is that research assessment systems differ by country. Which system contributes best to research quality improvement? That seems to me to be the key question, but it is a question which is easy to ask, but difficult to answer. I don’t see any answers in the piece of the TES anyway. What is good is that the piece alerts researchers to the relative value of the national research assessment systems and related promotion and tenure criteria, which, however, are difficult to avoid.

Bezuiniging van 55 miljoen op Groene+ middelen

Groen onderwijs wordt geconfronteerd met bezuiniging van 55 miljoen op Groene+ middelen. De Groene+ is voor interessante innovatieprojecten. Vakblad Groen Onderwijs ( gaat hierop in. Belangrijke vragen voor dit jaar lijken mij. Waaruit blijkt overtuigend dat de Groene+ middelen effect hebben gehad op onderwijsinnovatie, goed gekwalificeerde uitstroom van het groene onderwijs, en doorwerken in het agri-foodsysteem en de groene ruimte.

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Just returned from the AHRD in Arlington, USA

Today I returned from the 20th conference of the Academy for Human Resource Development in Arlington, in the Washington DC area, in the USA. Having been active in the Academy during its early years, it was good to see many old colleagues and friends, and learn that the Academy is going strong. With its around 600 members and a conference attendence of I guess around 300 delegates, it is one of the main academic networks specifically dedicated to theory and research on HRD. I have not been attending the AHRD conference since 2000, and it was interesting to see that many young colleagues are now involved. Two PhD students of ECS, Hasse Cox and Eghe Osagie, shared their research and made good contacts with colleague researchers in their field of 1. HRD and sustainable development and 2. innovation and multi-level learning. The next AHRD conference: February 19-22, 2014, Houston, Texas.