Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model just published

The publication on a Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model is just published. It contains the work done for my farewell speech in October 2016. The full reference is: Mulder, M. (2017). A Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 23(2), pp. 99-102, DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2017.1296533. Continue reading Five-Component Future Competence (5CFC) Model just published

Publication on International Business Competence coming out soon.

The manuscript of Worku Birru et al on International Business Competence and Export Performance is accepted for publication and coming out soon. Continue reading Publication on International Business Competence coming out soon.

Can second-order computer-supported argument scaffolding foster the development of argumentation competence?

Find answers in: Noroozi, O., Kirschner, P.A., Biemans, H.J.A., Mulder, M. (2017). Promoting Argumentation Competence: Extending from First- to Second-Order Scaffolding Through Adaptive Fading. Educational Psychology Review. doi:10.1007/s10648-017-9400-z. Continue reading Can second-order computer-supported argument scaffolding foster the development of argumentation competence?

Video published on European Vocational Skills Week

The EC – Audiovisual Service just published a video with impressions of the first European Vocational Skills Week, which took place on December 5-9, 2016. There were events in Brussels and hundreds of registered activities in Member States, EFTA and EU candidate countries at national, regional and local levels. Europe heavily invests in its Skills development strategy. As you will see I found it remarkable and encouraging that Vocational Education and Training researchers were invited and part or the programme. I hope researchers will be given the opportunity to extend their work into EU vocational educational policy making circles, and that they will provide policy makers research intelligence which is useful and effective. Check the video at:


Booklet ‘Competence for Life’ online

Dear website visitor, I noticed that my Farewell Speech Booklet ‘Competence for Life. A Review of Developments and Perspective for the Future’ (2016) was not yet available online, which is a bit strange, as I saw it done in October last year on the edit page. Nevertheless, it was invisible online when I was watching the site today. Therefore I uploaded it again. Download here: Farewell Address Booklet

Award Ceremony India

Finally I have been able to download pictures of the Award Ceremony during the 2016 Agricultural Education and Extension conference in Varanasi, India, on January 27. Better late than never. Thanks Dr Kalyan Ghadai (1st on the left) for organizing this event. It was a great experience. Continue reading Award Ceremony India

1990 publication on Analyzing Decision Making in Curriculum Development posted

Publication added on analyzing decision making processes in curriculum development. Full reference: Mulder, M. & Brake, J. te (1990). Reliablity Testing of two Analysis Instruments for Decision Making in Curriculum Conferences. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 16, 529-550.

Kwaliteit van bedrijfsopleidingen

Deze publicatie uit 1999 is verschenen als: Mulder, M. (1999). Kwaliteit van bedrijfsopleidingen. Pieters, J.M., Plomp, Tj. & Odenthal, L.E. (Red.), 20 jaar Toegepaste Onderwijskunde. Enschede: Twente University Press, pp. 221-233. Continue reading Kwaliteit van bedrijfsopleidingen

Yvette Baggen successfully defended her dissertation on Opportunity Identification Competence

On December 13, Yvette Baggen successfully defended her PhD thesis ‘Opportunity Identification Competence’. Continue reading Yvette Baggen successfully defended her dissertation on Opportunity Identification Competence

Publicatie 1999 – ‘Competentiegericht opleiden’ geüpload

De publicatie over competentiegericht opleiden uit Opleiding & Ontwikkeling van 1999 is toegevoegd aan de downloadable publicaties. Volledige referentie:

Mulder, M. (1999). Competentiegericht opleiden. Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, 12, 1/2, 13-20. ISSN 0922-0895. Continue reading Publicatie 1999 – ‘Competentiegericht opleiden’ geüpload