The paper on Fostering oral presentation performance is now online.

The paper of Stan van Ginkel et al on Fostering oral presentation performance and quality of feedback is now assigned to an issue of Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. It can be downloaded from the Publications list page of this website.

Continue reading The paper on Fostering oral presentation performance is now online.

PPT of Keynote speech in Bonn uploaded

Today I have uploaded the PPT of my keynote speech at the Bibb in Bonn. It can be downloaded from the Meetings page of this site. It was a pleasure and honour to give the talk. Enjoy.

Michael Gessler awarded Honorary Doctor by USF, USA

Dr. Michael Gessler is awarded Honorary Doctor of Education by the University of South Florida (USF), in recognition of his significant work in Vocational Education and Training (VET). Dr. Gessler is member of the Board of Directors of the Institut Technik & Bildung, and Professor in vocational and adult education at the University of Bremen. He is a past chair of VETNET of the EERA and founder of the VETNET journal on VET research. The award ceremony was held on Saturday, May 6, 2017 at the USF campus. See:

Maruschka Kinds Master Onderwijskunde

Maruschka Kinds heeft op 14 juni haar scriptie over Toetsbeleid binnen de Hogeschool Rotterdam verdedigd en is geslaagd als Master Onderwijskunde. De scriptie, die is gebaseerd op een praktijkgericht onderzoek, lijkt goed bruikbaar binnen de instelling en kan een goede impuls geven aan de ontwikkeling van het toetsbeleid. Proficiat, mede namens beoordelaar Dr. Joachim Wetterling!


Portret in Opleiding & Ontwikkeling – dank Dr. Ton Bruining

Vanaf het begin van het vakblad Opleiding & Ontwikkeling had ik het genoegen lid te zijn van de redactiecommissie. Dat heb ik circa tien jaar volgehouden en in die periode mocht ik een groot aantal artikelen publiceren in het blad. Sinds mijn benoeming als hoogleraar Onderwijskunde in Wageningen ging ik me meer bezig houden met fundamenteel onderzoek en onderzoeksbestuur, – beleid en -management. Ik stel het zeer op prijs dat Dr. Ton Bruining ter gelegenheid van mijn afscheid als hoogleraar een portret van mij heeft opgesteld. Dank ook Drs. Peter Schramade en Dr. Marcel van der Klink voor de mooie woorden. Mijn ondernemerszin is me goed van pas gekomen als hoofd van een bloeiende leerstoelgroep en het onderzoek naar nieuwe onderwijsinhouden is geëvolueerd in de richting van competenties voor de toekomst. Zie daarvoor mijn afscheidsrede. Download de tekst van het portret hier: OnO_17_01_Competenties voor het leven

Paper of Yvette Baggen et al on the Opportunity Identification Competence Assessment Test (OICAT) in HE accepted for publication

The paper of Yvette Baggen et al on the Opportunity Identification Competence Assessment Test (OICAT) in Higher Education is accepted for publication. This is a major accomplishment in the field of research on teaching and learning of enterpreneurship in higher education. Congrats! Continue reading Paper of Yvette Baggen et al on the Opportunity Identification Competence Assessment Test (OICAT) in HE accepted for publication

Research of Stan van Ginkel et al on a rubric instrument for oral presentation competence assessment published


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to design a rubric instrument for assessing oral presentation performance in higher education and to test its validity with an expert group. Continue reading Research of Stan van Ginkel et al on a rubric instrument for oral presentation competence assessment published

Preparing for keynote at BIBB/UNEVOC Workshop on Work- and competence-based vocational education

Preparing for the BIBB/UNEVOC Workshop „Work-based learning as a pathway to competency-based education – Research and implementation strategies from a comparative and global VET perspective“, which will take place on June 22-23, 2017 at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn, Germany. Continue reading Preparing for keynote at BIBB/UNEVOC Workshop on Work- and competence-based vocational education

New NCOI Professional Masters Educational Studies graduated

On Friday May 23 three students defended their final theses in Educational Studies: Michel van Zandvoort of the Academic Hospital Maastricht, Arie van den Heuvel of energy company Enexis and Erik Gelderloos of Rotterdam Business School. Congrats with this achievement! See the picture of Erik Gelderloos and assessor Hanneke Koopmans. Picture made by Hanane Rouichi. Continue reading New NCOI Professional Masters Educational Studies graduated

2017 Journal of Workplace Learning Outstanding Reviewer Award

Proud to have been chosen as Outstanding Reviewer for the Journal of Workplace Learning in the 2017 Emerald Literati Awards. An unexpected pleasant surprise. Check this on Congratulations to all other Award winners! It is always a pleasure to serve the Journal of Workplace Learning (