Album 2 Opening session Competence 2016

Continue reading Album 2 Opening session Competence 2016

Uploading all Pictures of conference Competence 2016 and Farewell address

Due to an uploading program caused by the program used by photographer Bart de Gouw, only a selected set of pictures were published by my previous post. Enjoy the whole series. Again, if you would want to receive a high resolution picture, send the the folder name and number and I will get that to you. Enjoy the master work of De Gouw. In this post you will find the impressions of the Registration and first sessions. The rest will follow a bit later.

Continue reading Uploading all Pictures of conference Competence 2016 and Farewell address

Research on design principles for hybrid learning configurations accepted for publication in Instructional Science

The paper of Petra Cremers on the utilization of design principles for hybrid learning  configurations by interprofessional design teams is accepted for publication by the journal Instructional Science. My compliments to Petra and the other co-authors.  Continue reading Research on design principles for hybrid learning configurations accepted for publication in Instructional Science

Impressions of Farewell Address October 20, 2016

Hi all, my Farewell Address ceremony on the October 20th 2016 was an unforgettable event for me. Many thanks to all of you who were present for participating in it. Enjoy the impressions (pictures by Bart de Gouw). If you want to receive a high-resolution copy of any picture, kindly email me. Cheers!

Continue reading Impressions of Farewell Address October 20, 2016

Farewell Adress PPT available

PPT Farewell Address downloadable here: 161020 EN-Farewell Address MM PPT


Final programme conference ‘Competence Theory, Research and Practice’ online

The final programme of the conference ‘Competence Theory, Research and Practice’ is currently online. It can be downloaded from here. 161012 Conf Programme booklet3

There are over 150 registrations by now, from 27 countries, from all continents. For further information and late registrations go to, or email


Competence for the unknown future

Key note ‘Competence for the unknown future’, at the ASEM LLL Hub conference ’21st Century Skills’, held on 4-5 October 2016 at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark. Download PPT here: 161005 MM Keynote Copenhagen ASEM. Check for the video of the keynote (and that of other keynote speakers). Kindly let me know your reactions. Thanks. Continue reading Competence for the unknown future

Farewell speech from Wageningen University – Registration open

Registration for my farewell speech, on October 20th, 16:00hrs in Wageningen, is now open. Check for Life

Continue reading Farewell speech from Wageningen University – Registration open

Design principles for hybrid learning configurations

Research on design principles for hybrid learning configurations published.

Source: Cremers, P.H.M., Wals, A.E.J., Wesselink, R., & Mulder, M. (2016). Design principles for hybrid learning configurations at the interface between school and workplace. Learning Environments Research, (19)3, pp. 309–334.

Continue reading Design principles for hybrid learning configurations

The learning potential of regional learning environments

Research published on the learning potential of regional learning arrangements (RLEs). Evidence shows that the following design principles are influencing boundary crossing by RLEs: working in multidisciplinary student groups, working intensively with multiple stakeholders, and a high coaching intensity. Continue reading The learning potential of regional learning environments