Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education announced

Springer has announced the publishing of the edited volume ‘Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education. Bridging the Worlds of Work and Education’. It will appear at the end of October this year. A total of 50 chapters written by over 85 authors. I hope the book will help students, researchers and policy experts to get an overview of this field. Continue reading Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education announced

New Doctor Worku Tuffa Birru

Worku Tuffa Birru successfully defended his thesis ‘Competence Modelling for Export Performance Improvement in Ethiopia’ and received his PhD from Wageningen University. Examiners were Professors Onno Omta, Michael Gessler, Susanne Weber and Ruerd Ruben. Co-promotors were Dr Thomas Lans and Dr Piety Runhaar.

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Impressions ECER-VETNET 2016: Ludger Deitmer Honorary Network Member

Impressions form the ECER-VETNET sessions in Dublin, August 23-25, 2016. Pending ratification by the EERA Council, Ludger Deitmer was awarded the Honorary Network Membership by VETNET itself for his sustained, unique and visible contribution to the Network. Congrats, and well-deserved. (I have to check the camera settings, as I find most pictures not 100% focused – apologies).

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Dual systems of vocational education

On August 24 VETNET organised a lively panel discussion on Dual systems of Vocational Education in various European countries. I had prepared a PPT for this panel, but it was not needed to present PPTs. So, I used it as background. For interested VET colleagues, I have placed the PPT here: 160824 ECER Dublin Dual Education

Distinct Contributions of Educational Researchers in VETNET

On August 23 the opening session of VETNET at the ECER conference in Dublin took place where I gave a presentation on Distinct Contributions of Educational Researchers in VETNET. The PPT of this presentation can be downloaded from here. Share your reactions at Enjoy.

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Success by Competence, Confidence, and Character

Tina Wadhwa, in the Business insider, posted on 18 August, 2016, that Val Carlotti (Head of The Securities Division Institutional Client Group and Senior Partner of Goldman Sachs) said that it is all about the 3 C’s: Competence, Confidence, and Character.’ “If you can nail those three things, it’s hard to figure out what you’re not going to be successful at”. Source:

Article of Elsbeth Spelt et al. on interdisciplinary learning in science and engineering in higher education – Available online

The article ‘A multidimensional approach to examine student interdisciplinary learning in science and engineering in higher education’ in the European Journal of Engineering Education is published online. Download your copy for free (up to 50 free downloads allowed by publisher):

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Distinct Contributions of Educational Researchers in VETNET

Preparing for the VETNET opening session at the ECER conference in, Dublin, August 23, 2016, I am already posting the list of key terms used in session titles during the VETNET programs during 2006 to 2016. It gives an interesting overview of the scope of the research presented. To use one word to describe it: it is DIVERSE. Enjoy. Continue reading Distinct Contributions of Educational Researchers in VETNET

Manuscript on interdisciplinary learning in science and engineering accepted for publication

The manuscript entitled “A multidimensional approach to examine student interdisciplinary learning in science and engineering in higher education” by Elsbeth  Spelt et al. is accepted for publication by the European Journal of Engineering Education. More will follow later.

Fostering oral presentation performance – published online

The paper ‘Fostering oral presentation performance: does the quality of feedback differ when provided by the teacher, peers or peers guided by tutor?’, by Stan van Ginkel et al, is published online in Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Download via

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