Higher Education Conference in Amsterdam about to start

The Higher Education Conference on ‘The Scholarship of Teaching, Learning and Organizing’ takes place on July 13-15, at the premises of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. It will be a vibrant gathering of many researchers. For further information see http://www.hec2016.org/


Who gives feedback on oral presentations matters

The manuscript of Stan van Ginkel et al ‘Fostering Oral Presentation Performance: Does the Quality of Feedback Differ When Provided by the Teacher, Peers or Peers Guided by Tutor?’ accepted for publication by the journal Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.

Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning On-the-Job by Yvette Baggen et al published online

The paper ‘Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning On-the-Job manuscript published’ by Yvette Baggen et al is published online. Full reference:

Baggen, Y., T. Lans, H.J.A. Biemans, J. Kampen & M. Mulder (2016). Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning On-the-Job: evidence from innovative small and medium-sized companies in Europe. European Journal of Education, 51(2), DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12171. Published online 16 May 2016.

Professional development status of teaching staff in a Ugandan public university – published online

Just published online:

Kasule, G.W., R. Wesselink & M. Mulder (2016). Professional development status of teaching staff in a Ugandan public university, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, DOI: 10.1080/1360080X.2016.1181883. (Published online 17-05-2016). Continue reading Professional development status of teaching staff in a Ugandan public university – published online

Students who engage in high-quality peer feedback processes write argumentative essays of higher quality

Just published:

Noroozi, O., H.J.A. Biemans and M. Mulder (2016). Relations between scripted online peer feedback processes and quality of written argumentative essay. The Internet and Higher Education, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2016.05.002. Available online 17 May 2016.

Continue reading Students who engage in high-quality peer feedback processes write argumentative essays of higher quality

Two 2016 Excellent Education Prizes for ECS staff

This afternoon the Rector Magnificus handed the 2016 Excellent Education Prizes out to the winners of this year. Two courses of ECS were awarded. Continue reading Two 2016 Excellent Education Prizes for ECS staff

AIAEE and AERA/WERA conferences were good

The conferences of the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education in Portland, Oregon, and the American Educational Research Association (which celebrated its Centennial), combined with the World Education Research Assocation (WERA) in Washington, DC, were good. The AERA/WERA conference counted around 15,000 participants. The WERA has networks, one of which is the International Research Network Vocational Education and Training (IRN-VET). I gave my presentation in that Network to further establish the relationship between VETNET of the European Educational Research Association and IRN-VET, as I believe that Vocational Education and Training Research needs more attention.

Just published: video on Education and Competence Studies

Just published, a short video on Education and Competence Studies. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hLQTcb-93g

Extension education in India – Editorial published

The latest Editorial of the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension is published, which is about extension education theory and research in India. See: The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22:2, 105-109, DOI:10.1080/1389224X.2016.1155890

Thanks – Conference Competence2016: 200+ Submissions in

Thanks for the 200+ submissions for the conference ‘Competence Theory, Research and Practice’, which will take place in Wageningen, the Netherlands, on October 19-21, 2016. If you have missed the deadline, please contact me at martin.mulder@wur.nl. For now; we’ll start the review process. See for further information: www.competence2016.nl

Man sees misspelled 'Minimum Competency Testing' sign on door.