Two 2016 Excellent Education Prizes for ECS staff

This afternoon the Rector Magnificus handed the 2016 Excellent Education Prizes out to the winners of this year. Two courses of ECS were awarded. Continue reading Two 2016 Excellent Education Prizes for ECS staff

AIAEE and AERA/WERA conferences were good

The conferences of the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education in Portland, Oregon, and the American Educational Research Association (which celebrated its Centennial), combined with the World Education Research Assocation (WERA) in Washington, DC, were good. The AERA/WERA conference counted around 15,000 participants. The WERA has networks, one of which is the International Research Network Vocational Education and Training (IRN-VET). I gave my presentation in that Network to further establish the relationship between VETNET of the European Educational Research Association and IRN-VET, as I believe that Vocational Education and Training Research needs more attention.

Just published: video on Education and Competence Studies

Just published, a short video on Education and Competence Studies. Watch:

Extension education in India – Editorial published

The latest Editorial of the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension is published, which is about extension education theory and research in India. See: The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22:2, 105-109, DOI:10.1080/1389224X.2016.1155890

Thanks – Conference Competence2016: 200+ Submissions in

Thanks for the 200+ submissions for the conference ‘Competence Theory, Research and Practice’, which will take place in Wageningen, the Netherlands, on October 19-21, 2016. If you have missed the deadline, please contact me at For now; we’ll start the review process. See for further information:

Man sees misspelled 'Minimum Competency Testing' sign on door.

Prof Jack van der Vorst visited ECS

Professor Jack van der Vorst, new General Director of the Social Sciences Group of Wageningen University visited the chair group of Education and Competence Studies on February 18. The group presented its policy, strategy and activities and discussed various issues. Only a relatively small delegation of ECS could be present because of many other commitments.

Continue reading Prof Jack van der Vorst visited ECS

Developers and teachers more critical about assessment quality than students and employers

Gulikers, J., Biemans, H. & Mulder, M. (2009). Developer, teacher, student and employer evaluations of competence-based assessment quality. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 35, 2/3,  pp. 110-119. Continue reading Developers and teachers more critical about assessment quality than students and employers

19 days left for submissions for the conference Competence Theory, Research and Practice

There are 19 days left until the deadline for the Call for submissions for the international conference ‘Competence Theory, Research and Practice’ expires, which is on March 21, 2016. All conference submission information can be found on


Video on competence theory, research and practice


Hogeschool Utrecht and Windesheim made a video recording on my views on competence theory, research and practice, especially in vocational and professional education. Check (in Dutch only). Thanks Ilya Zitter for initiating this.


Petra Cremers successfully defended dissertation on 10 February 2016

Petra Cremers, from the Hanzehogeschool for Applied Sciences successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, titled ‘Designing Hybrid Learning Configurations at the Interface between School and Workplace’. Continue reading Petra Cremers successfully defended dissertation on 10 February 2016