Thanks, website visitors!

I would like to thank the 25,504 unique visitors who counted for a total of 941,854 hits to this website in 2015.  Continue reading Thanks, website visitors!

Improving presentation skills of students in Higher Education – research published

Recently published online: Ginkel, S. van, J. Gulikers, H.J.A. Biemans, M. Mulder (2015). The impact of the feedback source on developing oral presentation competence. Studies in Higher Education. DOI:10.1080/03075079.2015.1117064;

Beyond unreasonable doubt – learning for socio-ecological sustainability in the anthropocene

On December 17, 2015, Arjen Wals gave his second inaugural address on the occasion of his appointment as Personal Professor on Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability, entitled ‘Beyond unreasonable doubt – learning for socio-ecological sustainability in the anthropocene’, at Wageningen University. Continue reading Beyond unreasonable doubt – learning for socio-ecological sustainability in the anthropocene

Core entrepreneurial competencies: ‘Analysing’, ‘pursuing’, and ‘networking’

There has been much research on planned behaviour (Ajzen) and personal traits (like the Big Five) in an attempt to predict performance and success. More recent research intends to take competence as a starting point for predicting performance and success (such as the research which resulted in the Great Eight by Bartram). Continue reading Core entrepreneurial competencies: ‘Analysing’, ‘pursuing’, and ‘networking’

Scientific Advisory Committee of ITB meets in ITB for Annual Review

On November 27 the Scientific Advisory Committee of the ITB met with the Vice Rector, the Board of the ITB, staff and PhD students to review the annual progress.

Continue reading Scientific Advisory Committee of ITB meets in ITB for Annual Review

New Masters from Wageningen University

This week there are MSc Diploma ceremonies in Wageningen University. These ceremonies can be followed live on wurtv. They are also stored, like all academic meetings in the Auditorium.

Continue reading New Masters from Wageningen University

Visit to CEB Thames Ditton

On November 16 I visited Dave Bartram, former head of the R&D Department of SHL, known for his excellent work on the great eight competency framework. SHL is taken over by CEB and does not exist anymore as separate brand. Bartram will visit Wageningen for a workshop early 2016. Continue reading Visit to CEB Thames Ditton

International Extension Education Conference 2016 – January 27-30, Varanasi, India

Banras Hindu University, Varanasi, India (the global center of Hinduism) is hosting an International Extension Education conference to share expertise, and experiences, and to analyze the current innovations in extension teaching practices, research and extension services, and to share views on future developments. To get more information:


live 3D hologram projections of people – a reality

Having been addressing the future of education lately, and studying the advances in technology, pointing at the experiments in Germany about 6-people working being in remote places but working together live in 3D enabled by virtual reality, the first commercial application of a simpler version is live already. Continue reading live 3D hologram projections of people – a reality

Frank de Jong – public lecture at Stoas Vilentum, Wageningen

On Friday, November 13th, Frank de Jong, lector at Stoas Vilentum in Wageningen, gave his second public lecture on ‘Understanding the difference. Responsive education: A search for ‘a difference which makes a difference’ for transition, learning and education’. Continue reading Frank de Jong – public lecture at Stoas Vilentum, Wageningen