Welcome to my new Home Page

Dear visitor. A warm welcome! I am very glad that you are visiting my new Home Page. In September my University moved to Windows 7, and therefore I could not update my old website anymore. My printers even stopped working with me – gggrrrr – I had to buy new ones 🙁 So I needed to change the platform of the website. But that is done, and from now on I will post new items regularly 🙂 I am happy that the social media on which I am active are linked to this Home Page as well. Very (nearly) 2012!

VOR BBV Board Visited ECS

The board of the Division Vocational Corporate and Adult Education of the Netherlands Educational Research Association met at ECS on December 20. Firm decision were taken: 1. there will be new elections; 2. Loek Nieuwenhuis and Renate Wesselink will stay in the board and make an outline for renewal of the division; 3. Renate will run for chair of the Division; 4. the name of the division will be updated keeping in mind that the division is a research division for vocational and corporate education experts who are in or interested in research; 5. new candidate board members will be approached; they will be asked to organise activities which are interesting for the membership. Continue reading VOR BBV Board Visited ECS

INSEE Conference 2011

Impression from the INSEE conference September 2011, New Delhi, India Continue reading INSEE Conference 2011

2011-09 Part of ECS after the Research Policy Meeting

Impressions of part of ECS after the Research Policy Meeting on September 20, 2011 in Wageningen Continue reading 2011-09 Part of ECS after the Research Policy Meeting

2011-09 VETNET-programma at the ECER conference, Berlin

Impressions of the VETNET-programma at the ECER conference 13-16 September 2011 in Berlin Continue reading 2011-09 VETNET-programma at the ECER conference, Berlin

2011-05 Innovations for Competence Management Conference, Lahti, Finland

Impressions of the Innovations for Competence Management Conference, May 19-20 2011, Lahti, Finland Continue reading 2011-05 Innovations for Competence Management Conference, Lahti, Finland

2011-05 Western Balkans TAIEX meeting on EU VET Policy in Brussels

Impressions of the Western Balkans TAIEX meeting on EU VET Policy in Brussels, Committee of the Regions, Van Maerlandt, May 02-04, 2011 Continue reading 2011-05 Western Balkans TAIEX meeting on EU VET Policy in Brussels

2011-04 Western Balkans Rural Extension Network Project Annual Conference and Project Meetings, Skopje, Macedonia

Impressions of the Western Balkans Rural Extension Network Project Annual Conference and Project Meetings, Skopje, Macedonia, April 18-20 2011 Continue reading 2011-04 Western Balkans Rural Extension Network Project Annual Conference and Project Meetings, Skopje, Macedonia

SIG Workplace Learning at the AERA 2011 in New Orleans-

Impressions of the program of the SIG Workplace Learning at the AERA 2011 in New Orleans, April 8-12 2011 Continue reading SIG Workplace Learning at the AERA 2011 in New Orleans-

2011-03 Mission to Jimma University, Ethiopia

Impressions of the mission to Jimma University, Capacity Building Horticulture, March 25+26, 2011, JUCAVM Ethiopia Continue reading 2011-03 Mission to Jimma University, Ethiopia